Panettone--breakfast of movie stars!
December 21, 2019 We've had a large panettone, still in its box*, on our kitchen counter for about two weeks now. It won't be opened...
Panettone--breakfast of movie stars!
A messy desk signifies a creative mind
Fully adult voters? Or puerile crybabies?
Sandwich Wars
(J) Buffett was right all along
Enough with the aggressive nationalism already
Poem: To Margaret Thatcher
Rob, RIP
British justice and "the Irish question"
Thought-power to vanquish what the greedy Tories have wrought
Training beer
Al Fresco weds Used Carlotta
Four fruits and veggies to never eat
Night Train
On Easter Day 2015
Hot Cross Buns make me cross
Irish Beach Spaghetti
A teaser from the second Shelf Barker mystery
Snow in NYC? You ain't seen nothin'